Friday, August 19, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


we each make a mark
with each step we take,
each breath, exhaling,
each stone we hold,
each twig we break,
we each make a mark
on this world,
with each step,
with each step.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

a skipping stone

After millions of years
the Earth's crust formed
by tectonics and then erosion
this stone smoothed and rounded
in the flow of water
in a river bed.
This stone, though not perfect
will do just fine
tossed with some skill and force
will skip on the surface
of the pond four or five times
to my delight.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

An Apology

I didn't mean to shut myself off,
From the world, or from you.
I love the universe and the world,
I love you, the center of my world.
I didn't mean to shut the windows,
To live alone in the dark.
Forgive me if I have shut you out,
Forgive me if I seem to have forgotten.
I see you, I love you, center of my world.