Friday, March 20, 2020

Isolation - Day 8

Self-isolation is hard for two reasons.  The first is that we keep finding reasons to open our door to others to get our groceries, our mail, (our taxes!), and our worship.  I don't know how safe our home is if we keep making exceptions.  We opening ourselves to the flow of pathogens from beyond our walls.

The second season is that locally we are are not validated by our community.  Our isolation and social distancing is still looked at as "panicking" or "over reacting."  I have to fend off the doubts these encroaching labels cast my way.

Jean and I are doing this to protect ourselves and everyone we may come in contact with.  We feel it is our duty to each other, our family, our neighbors, and everyone else as well.  We want to stop this virus.  We are fighting the Coronavirus, Covid-19... and isolation is our weapon.

I hope everyone else stays safe as well.

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