Monday, August 31, 2015

walking through it

The end of summer world
feels full as I walk through it.
The sky is full of infinite blue
and cirrus clouds and the moon
waning after a super moon
two nights ago,
and the sun's heat and light.
The air is full of sounds:
birds still calling to each other
long after mating season,
insects buzzing and fluttering
forever until the coming frost,
people working or going to work,
their children loading onto buses;
and the scents of late season blooms,
and the herbal smell of old grasses,
and drying mud.
The earth itself with stones,
gravel, and sand,
ancient fragments of tectonic plates,
navigated by ants, beetles, and spiders.
The earth, the sky, the solar system,
thick feeling of life, and joy,
I walk through it.

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